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Vygoris is a new company in the UK.
We develop, acquire and market sophisticated niche pharmaceutical products.

Vygoris is a young, dynamic and vibrant company. We are driven by our ambition to deliver results – results for patients and the scientific community, results for nurses, doctors and pharmacists
Our team is continuously looking for the next opportunity, the next idea, the next development that can improve our existing products. That includes working hard with the best partners both at home and internationally.

About Us

Vygoris Ltd is a subsidiary of Substipharm, a privately owned French specialist generics company.
In 2017 we have acquired a product mainly used in secondary care (urology, Mitocin®) for use primarily in bladder cancer.
In 2018, we have acquired a second product mainly used in primary care (anti-fungal antibiotics, Nystan®)
Our aim is to introduce innovative and difficult to manufacture specialist products, in a range of therapy areas.

A proud member of:

Working closely in the Nordics with:

Part of the Substipharm Group


Vygoris’ first launch in the UK is in bladder cancer.
Further information is available on the Mitocin website.

Vygoris’ second launch in the UK is in primary care.
Further information is available on the Nystan website.


Contact Us

For any adverse event, medical and product information enquiries, please contact our third party pharmacovigilance provider:
Tel +44 (0) 1223 395 301
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 395 302
Email: pv@productlife-group.com
For any commercial enquiry, please contact:

    Latest company and product news

    March 2019

    November 2018

    Vygoris / Substipharm announce the full acquisition of the nystatin based product (ready mixed Oral suspension) across Europe from BMS.

    June 2018

    Vygoris announces distribution agreement with Dr Pfleger GmgH in Germany.

    Press Release

    April 2018

    Vygoris announces exclusive licensing agreement with Verity Pharmaceuticals to offer a safe and steady supply of Mitomycin in Canada.

    Press Release.

    Jan 18

    Vygoris will launch its first product in the UK in the bladder cancer area. Further information will shortly be available on the Mitocin website.

    Jan 18

    Vygoris will attend the Swiss HLG Winter Conference 28th – 30th January 2018.